Monday, October 1, 2012

Naples - Piazetta Nilo

Nile Statue, Piazetta Nilo
Sant'Angelo a Nilo in Piazetta Nilo
This tiny Piazza (Piazetta) is home to an anthropomorphic personification statue of the Nile. The river god is shown reclining with a overflowing cornucopia and two animals. One a sort of crocodile like thing with lion paws and lacking a dead and another headless thing with paws that I can’t quite identify. Most likely from a Temple of Serapis or Isis that was built nearby. The statue was lost for a while then set up again in the 12th century. During the baroque era someone restored the missing head, giving it a sort of “Old Man River” look. The twisted tresses are like something one might see in a William Blake Illustration.

On a fun note: Since Medieval times it has supposedly whispered to passersby (apparently especially women). I haven’t found any records of what it allegedly said. More than likely it said (go away from here swiftly or you will be mugged) slightly sketchy area, but not more so than other parts of the historic district of Naples. All the more charming for that.

In fact there are some delightful streets radiating off the square that personify old Naples.  Via Paladino Giovanni is lovely (in the right light).

Looking into Via Paladino Giovanni

Nile statue with the five story renaissance Palazzo Parnormita in the background

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